
Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory! All is well, dear ones. Much trust and faith are called for at this time. Trust in the divine plane for the universe. God is in charge. You are loved, infinitely. Mary


Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory! All is well, dear ones. Yes there is much chaos on the planet. However, we must trust in the divine plan. Stay in the heart, focused on peace and divine perfect health. Send prayers to all those in need. This is what you can do. Have faith. I love you, infinitely. Mary


Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory. All is well, dear ones. There is love. There is peace. Be committed to what is important to you! If it is your family, be committed to them. If it is your career, be committed to that. If it is the divine, be committed to the divine. You are loved, beyond measure. We are one,.

When You’re Ready

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory! All is well, dear ones. Sometimes we pressure ourselves to do things that we are not ready to do. Why is that? When you are ready, you will know. When you are ready to let go. When you are ready to heal. When you are ready to move on, you will know. Drop the self-judgement. Understand that you are human and doing the best you can. Many things are an illusion. However, if you are not ready to realize this, you will not. I love you, infinitely. Mary

Turn to Me 8-11-18

Dear Ones, We are one is God’s infinite glory! All is well, dear ones! Mother Mary is here for you always. It’s never too late to turn to me! Quiet yourselves. Quiet your mind and it will be very easy for you to tune into my guidance. It sounds simple because it is. Quiet your mind, open your heart and receive the guidance and direction you are seeking. I love you, forevermore. Mary


Dear ones, We our one in God’s infinite glory. All is well dear ones. Miracles happen when you trust the divine and open your heart. Pour your heart out to the divine. Allow the divine to heal you and guide you towards the life you deserve. It all begins with trust. I love you infinitely.


Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory! Use the power of your heart. Love is the most powerful force in the universe. This I’ve been repeating so that you will understand. Use the power for good. Faith moves mountains, Love creates them. I love you, infinitely. Mary


Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory. All is well dear Ones! It pleases me so when my beautiful children understand how important it is to follow their guidance, honor their mission and calling and live the life the divine has created for you! I cry tears of joy for all my beautiful children. This is a time of renewal and of great peace to come. I love you infinitely. Mary

9-3-17 Feel the Truth

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s glory! Do not lose hope. Do not give up. God is powerful and the energy of love is the most powerful force in the universe. The human mind is only beginning to understand this. You’ve only scratched the surface of what this truly means. There will be oneness. Feel the truth of my words. I love you. You are abundant. You are loved. You are cherished. You are a child of God. Infinitely, Mary

7-10-17 Divine Plans

Dear Ones, We must never lose hope. We must never forget that God is in charge. That the divine has a plan for each and every one of our lives. Please understand how much you are loved, adored, cherished. We are one! Mary