12-30-14 Focus on the Light

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s glory. It is a most beautiful time on planet earth. Love is surrounding the planet. The light is freeing the darkness. All is well. You are loved. Be patient with yourselves while you ascend. The physical body is undergoing changes. These can be uncomfortable. Focus on the light. I love you.
Mary, Queen of Angels

12-28-14 Feel

Dear Ones, it is very important to feel your emotions. Holidays are a difficult time for many. Disappointment, loss, anger, grief, loneliness. Feel everything and then let it go. This will set your heart free. Free to live. Free to love. Free to feel. Unlock your aching hearts. Feel and be free. I am here to bring you comfort. I love you. Mary

12-25-14 Ever Loving

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s glory. Be at peace. Trust the divine. Trust your infinite nature. Relax. Be well. Be light and free. The world is a beautiful place. I am showering you with my love. Ever present. Ever loving. Ever forgiving. Ever eager to lead you home. I love you. Mary

12-17-14 Love

Dear Ones, Love outpours from my heart to you. I see all that you are doing to make the world a more loving place. Open your heart to receive my love. Though things seem bleak in certain areas, they are not. Our love is more powerful than any perceived bad or perceived evil. As is the love of the divine. We are one, earth angels. I love you. Mary

12-14-14 Reach Out

Dear Ones, Make the first move. Reach out. You’ll be glad you did and amazed at the result that you might receive. That loving thought, followed by a thoughtful action, can allow a person to receive and open their heart. This is very beautiful. I love you. Mary

12-13-14 Never Alone

Dear Ones, You are never alone. Despite how you may feel at times. Especially during this “season.” Find solace in nature. Take the opportunity to be still. To listen to your own heart as it connects to the divine within. You are loved beyond any measure that the mind can fathom. Forevermore, Mary

12-11-14 Be Yourself

Dear Ones, Please have the courage to be yourselves. To be yourself. You are the only one that can bring your unique and divine gifts to the world. There is only one you. When you have the courage to be yourself and to live your truth, you are an example to others. You show them, give them permission to be themselves too. This is very beautiful. I love you. In glory. Mary

12-10-14 smile

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s infinite glory. Smile! Don’t take life so seriously. Be light and free. Give your cares to God and the angels. Unburden your hearts. Find joy. Sing the praises of glory. For you are truly loved. I love you. Mary

12-9-14 Hopeful

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s glory. I am very hopeful for humanity. Many earth angels, light beings, and positive energies are helping and influencing positive changes. I am hopeful. All of God’s children deserve to feel this hope. Hope of peace. Hope of joy. Hope of love. It shall be. I love you, forevermore. Mary

12-7-14 Rejoice!

Dear Ones, We are one in God’s glory. Rejoice! Tis the season to celebrate the miracle of the birth of Christ. Each may celebrate in his oe her own way, but the best way is to show love. To be loving. To be forgiving. To show compassion for every living thing. For this is the way Jesus lived. I love you all of my beloved children. Mary